eco friendly — Essential Blog — Emerald Lotus

eco friendly

Your Kitchen is Green, Should Your Medicine Cabinet be Too?



Beauty really is more than skin deep! “The average US woman uses 12 personal care products a day, containing 168 different chemicals” Skin is the largest organ in our body, and it absorbs all these chemicals like a sponge. Our cosmetics, hair care, skin creams, deodorant and other toiletry products contain quite a toxic mixture of formaldehyde, petroleum waxes, parabens, and other chemicals. A little dab here and a once a week lather there adds up when you consider how many chemicals plague our beauty products. What goes on the body, eventually goes in.


Going Green

Maybe you started with organic produce, then bought a few natural cleaning products... what is next? Thinking about the toxins absorbed into your body by your shower products alone may spark the desire to reform your skin care line up. According to the Environmental Working Group, “almost 90% of the 10,500 cosmetics and skin care ingredients known to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not been evaluated for safety by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review, the FDA, or any other publicly accountable institution.” European countries banned many of these ingredients because of concerns that they cause birth defects, cancer, and other troubling side effects. So if the EU says “Bye bye”, why are we still saying “Hello” to thousands of poisonous cosmetic chemicals? Going green should extend past the kitchen and into your bathroom. Here’s where to start:



Synthetic Fragrances

The term fragrance on a label can mean just about anything. “Fragrance” can include hundreds of harmful chemicals all wrapped up into one word. shares why these chemicals are masked behind a single catch-all word. “Deemed a trade secret, the FDA doesn’t require companies to disclose the ingredients in their fragrances, even though many common ingredients in fragrances include chemicals linked to cancer and other health concerns.” If a new body wash or moisturizer has triggered a rash or allergic reaction, you’ve probably been victim to a “fragrance”. USDA-certified organic products will never list “fragrance”, rather you will see each product listed individually. This allows you to make wiser decisions about what you do and do not want to use on your body.


Where to Start states “that one-third of women color their strands...


It's been widely reported that conventional formulas contain known carcinogens, such as ammonia, p-phenylenediamine (PPD), phthalates, parabens, and resorcinol." 


There are many natural hair color alternatives that won’t introduce toxic chemicals into your body!

Natural replacements to face makeup lack the heavy metal contamination that is present in almost all cosmetic products. Testing by “revealed serious heavy metal contamination in virtually all of the products: 96 percent contained lead, 90 percent contained beryllium, 61 percent contained thallium, 51 percent contained cadmium, and 20 percent contained arsenic”

Other products that have safe substitutes are nail polishes, moisturizers, deodorant, and lipsticks. The pure, simple ingredients that create these products offer dependable alternatives for eco-conscious belles. At Facelogic, we trust Eminence Organics and Glo Minerals to provide wholly organic, potent, and effective product lines!



Keep in mind that the words “pure” and “all-natural” are not regulated terms. So as you make the transition into a natural beauty care collection, you still need to read labels. The Skin Deep Cosmetics Database rates popular cosmetic products and scores them based on their toxicity. This is a helpful resource as you stock your organic medicine cabinet. When you use organic skin care products, you safeguard your body from dangerous chemicals and decrease your environmental footprint. So next time you head to the beauty aisle, before reaching for your usual product, take a moment to read labels and look at safer alternatives.

What are some all-natural brands/ products that you added to your regular beauty care routine?



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