A Pale Girl's Guide to Fake Bake Tanning



Earlier this weekend I was trying to find a dress for a wedding, and my pale legs were alarming. It is August, shouldn’t I be a golden goddess? Because I am naturally pale-skinned, a rich tan is never really going to happen for me. Despite this, I can usually snag a little color during the summer months. But between working and moving, my legs were deprived of sunshine this summer season. Somehow it seems that any weekend I have time to spend at the pool, it rains. So I ended up in Nordstrom Rack today shocked at how pale my limbs were.


Real Humans > Machines

Thankfully I know I can pop into Facelogic for a spray tan and leave with a bronze glow before my Labor Day weekend wedding. I know, I know, I say spray tan, you think pumpkin. I was once the same way. Before Facelogic, I only thought of tanning in the context of the sun, tanning beds, or automated tanning machines. None of these options appealed to me, so I ruled out tan legs forever. Then I learned about Fake Bake tanning, and my life changed. At Facelogic, a real human will apply your tan! This means that you don’t have to worry about streaks or pale patches. The tan comes out even every time. Yet, a live human was both a positive and a negative for me. I want an even tan, and I want someone guiding me through the process. But do I really want to strip down to my party suit and be spray tanned by a person? In my case, this “real human” we talk about would be someone I work with every day. I was more than a little apprehensive about the whole “naked” aspect of a spray tan. I got over my fear and I learned was: you can wear as little, or as much clothing as you want. You don’t have to wear your party suit to the first date. So if you want to bring a bikini, do it. If you want to take it all off, do it. The girls at Facelogic are 100% accommodating to all comfort levels, and they will never make you feel bad about your choice.


Fake Bake

So you made the appointment, and you’ve overcome the naked barrier. Let’s talk about the tanning solution. At Facelogic we use Fake Bake. This company changed the game in self-tanners! They don’t think you should “have to sacrifice the health of your skin to get a rich bronze tan. In fact, [they] think you shouldn’t have to apply harsh chemicals to your skin to get a great tan either. That’s why [they’ve] created this line of revolutionary self-tanning products that contain only organic tanning agents with no artificial preservatives or parabens.”

If you have been to our spa before, you know we are all about organic. So is our partnership with Fake Bake a match made in heaven, or what? We are huge fans of this mission: you don’t have to sacrifice healthy skin for a golden glow!


You've made an appointment, what's next?

If you are like me, you are already sold on the idea of a Fake Bake tan. Maybe you aren’t completely sold, but as you read this you see pasty legs and you are ever aware of a special event coming up on you calendar. So you are willing to give it a shot. Weary or not, let’s do it. On the day before your appointment: you should shave your legs and exfoliate your entire body with a sugar scrub or loofah. This will buff away dead skin, leaving smooth skin behind.

On the day of your appointment, don’t apply any lotions, deodorants, or scented products to your skin. The ingredients in these products tend to mix with the tanning solution and create a temporary green tint on your skin.  I mentioned earlier that being sprayed by a human will give you a streak free, even tan. Fake Bake makes this even easier by including a dark temporary bronzer in their tanning solutions. This bronzer helps show where color is and is not applied, so there is no chance of streaking! The bronzer will wash off during your next shower, leaving behind the tan of your dreams! (If a green tint did appear, it will wash off with the bronzer, do not fret!)



How long will it last?

A few years ago I was taking a week-long trip to the beach and I wanted a natural, brilliant tan. So I scheduled a Fake Bake session the day before we left. The tan was perfect as always, but I knew it probably wouldn’t last the full duration of the trip. Usually, my spray tan will last between 6 and 10 days, but salt water and sand wear down the tan quicker than usual. For people with natural tanning abilities, this is no big deal. By the time the spray tan wears away, you will have already built up a solid glow. But for me, it meant that my tan faded before I was back in Texas. This wasn’t a real bother for me for two reasons: the fading process is gradual and natural. Fake Bake tans naturally disappear, so you aren’t walking around with scaly, patchy looking skin. Furthermore, you can aid this process by gently exfoliating as the tan begins to fade.

All this is to say: depending on your environment, Fake Bake tans will last about a week, and they will disappear naturally.

I suggest that you get a test tan before your next event so you can play with the degrees of darkness and find your best tan. No one wants to be surprised on a big day, so schedule a trial run and see how the sunless tan works on you! You can call 979. 693. 2600 for more information, or schedule an appointment here


If you have gotten a tan at Facelogic, do you have any more tips for first timers? What was your experience like?